

  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
May 17, 2023

Coffee, dining out, and manicures are just some of the things people are giving up. Can your budget account for them?

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  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
April 24, 2023

Not everyone needs a budgeting app to show how much money they have left. If you just need an expense tracker for one-off expenses, our app can do that, too.

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  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
March 20, 2023

As the cost of living increases begin to bite, saving money where you can matters more, and there are a few ways you might be able to do just that.

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  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
March 14, 2023

As Australia's Reserve Bank raises interest rates yet again, home owners paying down a mortgage will no doubt face more mortgage stress. How can you prepare for what's coming?

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  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
February 24, 2023

One of the common recommendations you might hear to make a budget is to grab some pen and paper, but that's actually what simplsaver aims to improve upon.

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  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
February 17, 2023

Budgets can seem like they'll be complex and take forever, but with simplsaver, you can understand your budget quickly and easily. Here's how.

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  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
February 10, 2023

A budget app for couples? Whether you have one salary or two, simplsaver can help make sense of your money.

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  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
February 8, 2023

Mortgages are about to go up yet again in Australia, as the Reserve Bank adds more to what home owners pay, and your finances drop just that little bit lower.

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  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
February 3, 2023

Looking to save a little money on your budget? If you subscribe...

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  • Leigh Stark
  • Posted by Leigh Stark
January 25, 2023

It's not unusual to have a bunch of movies and games and other services, but how many do you need, and do you know what they're doing to your budget?

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