Budgeting isn’t typically a speedy thing to do, but with simplsaver, your budget can take as little as a minute. Seriously.

We’ve been working away on some new features, but at the same time, we wanted to explain some regular features, with one really obvious one: fast budgeting.

If you’ve ever tried to budget using a spreadsheet, you know only too well that your budget is going to take you much, much longer. You need to set up the spreadsheet, work out your costs, drop them in, do the formulas, and hope you’ve managed to get it all right.

With simplsaver, we’ve done that for you, and the app is as simple as it gets. We couldn’t find anything that worked to build budgets and explain money as easily as this, so we built something made to be easy for anyone to use.

Budgets are hard, but simplsaver is easy. It’s a budget app for people who don’t have budgets. You can drop in your costs by hitting the plus button and then add your salary. All of the data is only on your device, because it’s your data, not ours. Check our minimalistic privacy policy for more information about how we don’t store any of your data!

We’ve made simplsaver so easy to use, the whole thing turns out a budget on your phone in practically no time. You could do it in 30 seconds with only a few costs, or a little longer if you had more. And if you don’t believe us, here’s a video we’ve been working on to demonstrate just how simple the app is. Watch the time at the top to see just how fast a budget can really be!